Europa > Engleska > Glasgow > Carlton George Hotel

Informacije o objektu Carlton George Hotel

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  • Carlton George Hotel

Carlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - HoteliCarlton George Hotel: Smještaj u hotelu Glasgow – Pensionhotel - Hoteli
Ime:  Carlton George Hotel
Ulica:  44 West George Street
Grad:  G2 1DH Glasgow
Država:  Engleska
Karta:  idite na karti
Prosječna cijena:
780 kn

 Ovaj tekst je dostupan i na: csendeplfresptithusvrubgdanofislrotrnlelarzhja

Quick description

Located next to Glasgow Queen Street Rail Station and just 50 metres from Buchanan Street’s shops, this hotel has an airport bus stop directly outside. With a rooftop restaurant and wonderful views across Glasgow’s skyline, Carlton George Hotel offers luxury rooms with complimentary minibars. The Carlton George hotel offers rooms with free decanters of vodka, gin and whisky. Each room also comes with a complimentary mini-bar containing soft and alcoholic drinks. The Executive and Club rooms have access to the hotel's Executive Lounge. This area features an open fire with complimentary snacks and drinks. Windows Restaurant serves a creative modern menu featuring fine Scottish produce. The wonderful Waxy O’Conner’s Bar has 6 unique bars set over 3 floors, which are joined by a maze of passageways. Just a 10-minute walk from City Chambers and the Gallery of Modern Art, the Carlton George Hotel is a 10-minute train journey from Glasgow’s famous West End. Private parking is available nearby.

Important information

*Breakfasts* Please note that the price of GBP 10 per breakfast is only available if breakfast is selected at the time of booking. If requested once at the hotel, guests will be expected to pay the standard rate of GBP 14 per person.

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